
SimpleOscilloscope : filter update

My SimpleOscilloscope component described in an earlier post has now been updated to include a few filters controllable through setting styles. Of course like any other Flex component, it can have additional filtering applied in the normal way. I just felt like including these : alphaDecay, redMultiplier, greenMultiplier, blueMultiplier, blurX, blurY, scrollX, scrollY.

As ever, the project is on google code, and the test bed is here.

SimpleOscilloscope snapshot - with filters

Posted by creacog in ActionScript, Flex, Flex Builder, Flex Components, OpenSource, Projects, 0 comments

SimpleOscilloscope : my first opensource Flex component

In the majority of my projects to-date, I am the sole developer on the project team. I was feeling the need to get into writing Flex components to a level that they could be distributed. Essentially making sure I use meta tags correctly and adding appropriate asdoc comments allowing other Flex developers to easily include the component as they would any other from the Flex SDK.

SimpleOscilloscope snapshot

So, ccglib is an MIT license OpenSource project hosted on google code through which i plan to release a number of components. The first component released is SimpleOscilloscope, which plots the currently playing sound-wave. Designed to be easily sized, coloured and positioned through application of styles.

Posted by creacog in ActionScript, Flex, Flex Builder, Flex Components, OpenSource, Projects, 1 comment