
endurance (other people’s) for charity

This seems to be the month for it. Two events of endurance. Both have personal friends participating…

1. Trailwalker 2007 : 14th July 2007: A sponsored 100Km 30 hour hike in aid of Oxfam and the Gurkha Welfare Trust. Two teams from Sun Microsystems are taking part. I’m sponsoring “Team Niagra Fallouts”. More information on the event on their blog here.

2. Sponsoring the ‘puntourists’ in their “Capital to Coast Bike Ride” on 15th July 2007. Raising funds for norwood, children’s and families trust, cystic fibrosis trust and downs syndrome association. More information on their JustGiving page.

Feeling the need to get off my backside and do something worthy myself – maybe next year.

Posted by creacog in Charity, 0 comments

Saying no to FACT

I have no intention of turning this blog into a campaign site, but feel the need to doff-my-cap to the FACTOFF site. Irritating as it is, the FACT impact on the consumer is dwarfed in my opinion by the potential for corporate abuse of DRM and software patents.

There are of course more important issues out there such as… Protect the human

Posted by creacog in Charity, Personal, 0 comments