For a long time I simply used the html published from the Flash IDE to embed a SWF. Expecting that to be the ‘best practice’ approach. Like others I was concerned at the impact of Microsoft’s upcoming changes to IE in response to EOLAS patent issues. I was dreading either having to write my own JavaSript or research countless approaches.
With SWFObject the problem is solved. It has been around for a long time (formerly known as FlashObject) and appears to be well tried and tested. I was really pleased with how simple it is to use, how it degrades gracefully. I’ve used this on a number of projects and now consider it to be best practice. In future I’d need a very good reason not to use it.
Update (14/03/2008): SWFObject 2 released
[…] SWFObject (1.5) As you will know from my earlier post, I generally consider using SWFObject to be best practice for embedding Flash in a web page. It has […]
[…] stated in my earlier posts I consider use of SWFObject to be best practice for embedding SWFs in web […]